Slim and lightweight, pocket multi tools are designed to be comfortable in your pocket or with a pocket clip. Usually 4-1/4 in or shorter and weighing under 8 oz, these compact multi tools are perfect for EDC and packed with the features we use most. This is unfortunate, as locking blades are much better news in general for your fingers, especially when being used for campcraft and DIY-style jobs. Pocket size multitools give the best combination of function and convenience. Ignoring this could land you in court on an offensive weapon charge and serious legal bother that you could doubtless do without. The Crankbrothers M13 multi-tool comes with five tyre plugs and a tyre tool.

UK law specifies that it is an offence under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 to carry in public without good reason (i) any knife with a locking mechanism, or (ii) a folding knife with a blade length of more than 3 inches/7.62 cm. Obviously this has a bearing on the tools you’ll want along for the ride, but also will dictate if you can carry a locking knife, especially in the UK. The big question to ask is for what, and crucially where, you plan on using your multitool. Most multi-tools are based around a needle nose plier-shape, with smaller tools in the handles, but from there on in there’s a lot of variety. It has a firestarter attached, a LED flashlight. BlizeTec has a few but rare features that can save you from trouble out in the wild. Comes with a high-quality nylon belt holster. The only tool on our list that’s available in a number of different sizes, materials, and finishes, the Griffin Pocket tool might just be the best keychain-sized single piece multi-tool around. BlizeTec Survival Multi-Tool Pocket Knife - Buy Now. This 0. Two double-sided bits, a matching chuck and a practical glass breaker complete the equipment. Such is the case with their Liong Mah designed 9130 Viva keychain multi-tool. The flat handle scales have decorative cut-outs and consist of stainless steel. They include a partially serrated blade, a wood saw, a file with a ruler and a multi-tool featuring a can opener, bottle opener, wire bender/stripper and an Allen key.Īn added belt-cutter can be opened with a nail nick. The four main tools are secured with a linerlock, which makes them suitable even for heavy-duty tasks.

They have the flat gripping surface of long-nosed pliers and a so-called burner hole for gripping external hex screws, cap nuts and pipes.
The pliers of the Böker Plus Specialist II offer a reinforced wire cutter and is a true all-rounder. However, for beefier jobs that’s no bad thing, and the pliers here are built to last.

It’s also slightly heavier than most, at 318grams, and relatively hefty in length at 17cm. While its tacti-cool looks might polarise some, the Böker Plus Specialist II packs quite a punch - especially considering it is less than half the price of some offerings here.