Toweb avis
Toweb avis

toweb avis

When a page is duplicated and it belongs to a group, 4 duplication choices are now offered: " at the beginning of the group", " at the end of the group", " outside the group but in the site menu" or " outside the group and not in the site menu".Minor adjustments to the alignment of labels and fields in the TOWeb interface.Fix of the option " Apply discount only to shipping costs" which, when activated, was correctly saved but no longer reappearing as active in the coupon management window of an e-Commerce site.Correction of a shift and a double display of customer information in the list of orders located in the BackOffice of an e-Commerce site.Correction of the alignment of the subscription button to the mailing list of a site when the form was configured in horizontal layout and without consent of the user data.Correction in the data format (keywords and filters) of new blogs created using a group of topics which could lead to malfunctions in their display.Better support of certain characters entered in certain custom fields of an order form and which could lead to a malfunction of the shopping cart of e-Commerce sites.

toweb avis

  • In addition to French and English, the BackOffice of e-Commerce sites can now be displayed in Italian, Spanish, German or Portuguese depending on the language used by your web browser.
  • New quick and easy possibility to promote certain products of your site to your contacts via Mailzy either immediately after a successful publication of your site, or at any time from the " Promote your products" button located in the " Publish > Notify your contacts" screen.
  • If no "image object" is present in the 1st paragraph of the grouped page but a background image exists then it is this background image that will be used and display in the group index page.
  • Correction of the topic import feature which did not work when positioned on certain pages such as the shopping cart or the conditions of sale.
  • Leaftlet OpenStreetMap map display updates and fixes.

    If after completely republishing your site with this update you still get an "error 9" message on your site then perform a PHP support test from TOWeb to detect and correct remaining problems located on your web space Correction of the "user comments" i-service which could no longer work on servers using PHP 8.The "i-service blog" is now renamed "i-service user comments" in order not to cause confusion with blog topics.Fix for JamboPay and BNP online payments not working on servers using PHP 8.2.Support of the export & import of a group (such as a blog for instance) with all its topics.To start your new Blog, click on " Add a new topic" then activate the option " A group / blog" and select " Blog" Ability to start a predefined blog topic like the one of the StoreStarter template.

    Toweb avis